HOME ARP American Rescue Plan Act

The federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 appropriated $5 billion to provide housing, services, and shelter to individuals experiencing homeless and other vulnerable populations, to be allocated by formula to jurisdictions that qualified for HOME Investment Partnerships Program allocations in Fiscal Year 2021. The Nevada Housing Division (NHD) has received $6,444,739 in HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding from Housing and Urban Development (HUD). NHD will make these funds available to non-profits, participating jurisdictions (PJs) and other organizations that serve qualifying populations.

There are four Qualifying Populations (QPs) that are eligible for and must be provided access to HOME ARP activities, please refer to the HOME ARP Notice for complete definitions: 1) people experiencing homelessness; 2) people at-risk of homelessness; 3) people who are fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, and 4) other populations for whom supportive services or assistance would prevent homelessness or who face the greatest risk of housing instability. 

The funding can be used to provide any of the following HOME ARP eligible client activities: rental housing (referred to in this plan as affordable rental housing), tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA), supportive services, and/or the acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter (NCS).  PJs may also utilize funding for administration and planning activities as well as nonprofit operating and capacity building assistance.

To learn more about HOME-ARP please visit each of the webinars listed below. If you have questions please email nhdgrants@housing.nv.gov .

    Agency Contact:

    Phone: (775) 687-2240
    Toll Free: (800) 227-4960
